Well, here we are. Thirteen years working at a church are behind me. I still have many stories to tell from those years, but not yet. It's time for some cliche reviews. What most people want to know.....did I throw the baby out with the bath water? Well first of all now-a-days we simply pull a drain and let the water out. We don't "throw away" water anymore. And that being said, most babies won't fit down the drain so I guess it's not possible. Neither is losing your "religion" when you resign from a job at a church.
I'm not going to tell that story now, but the name of my blog has changed. I own a restaurant and have already collected so many stories to write about.
I decided the first story should be about the name. I have talked about names before, but since we are discussing the genesis of a new adventure, we can discuss the choosing of the name. I suppose it isn't really a discussion since I am writing and you are reading, but in my head it is a discussion.
Salamanders Sports Grill is the name. My name...David Mander. "Where did the name Salamanders come from?" is the most popular question. I tell them my last name is Mander. About 50% can take it from there. The other half stare at me and say..."so where do you get the 'sala'?" Really?
Check out the logo. See the thing that looks like a lizard? It's a Salamander. At this point the explanation usually goes into an Abbott and Costello routine and I try desperately to change the subject.
I will say that Salamanders was not the first choice. Selecting a name for a business is much like choosing a child's name. Everyone has to agree and you try saying it aloud in a sentence for a week or so. "Lets go to Salamanders!" Nah...too many syllables.
First ideas? Rookie Sports Grill (rookie as in... first time owners) * Mander Sports Grill (daughters hated that one) * Game Time Grill * Sports & More Grill (more what?) * Home Team Grill * Grillers * Good Times Sports Grill ( that one was dy-no-mite!!!)
Name after stupid name failed and we kept coming back to Salamanders. It finally stuck when we thought about the design of a logo. My next post will be about the evolution of a logo, but that isn't what this post is about.
I own a restaurant. I have a hard time visiting any church after my 13 years working in one didn't end like I thought it should have. I am pretty sure I made it out safely with my faith in people and organized religion scarred, but my faith in God seems ok. I am ready to see what comes next.
I'm not going to tell that story now, but the name of my blog has changed. I own a restaurant and have already collected so many stories to write about.

Salamanders Sports Grill is the name. My name...David Mander. "Where did the name Salamanders come from?" is the most popular question. I tell them my last name is Mander. About 50% can take it from there. The other half stare at me and say..."so where do you get the 'sala'?" Really?
Check out the logo. See the thing that looks like a lizard? It's a Salamander. At this point the explanation usually goes into an Abbott and Costello routine and I try desperately to change the subject.
I will say that Salamanders was not the first choice. Selecting a name for a business is much like choosing a child's name. Everyone has to agree and you try saying it aloud in a sentence for a week or so. "Lets go to Salamanders!" Nah...too many syllables.
First ideas? Rookie Sports Grill (rookie as in... first time owners) * Mander Sports Grill (daughters hated that one) * Game Time Grill * Sports & More Grill (more what?) * Home Team Grill * Grillers * Good Times Sports Grill ( that one was dy-no-mite!!!)
Name after stupid name failed and we kept coming back to Salamanders. It finally stuck when we thought about the design of a logo. My next post will be about the evolution of a logo, but that isn't what this post is about.
I own a restaurant. I have a hard time visiting any church after my 13 years working in one didn't end like I thought it should have. I am pretty sure I made it out safely with my faith in people and organized religion scarred, but my faith in God seems ok. I am ready to see what comes next.