I have been quite busy in May. So much so that I have not even had time to blog. The good of that is, many people have asked me when my next blog will be. Not necessarily good for most people, but good to hear people like reading my musings. Anyway, in the last couple weeks I have attended a few interesting group meetings. One was for a service group, like Rotary Club. The other was for a Christian organization called Dream Builders. They hosted a breakfast at one of the largest churches in Orlando. I really knew nothing about this group but many men in our church were going, so I tagged along. We arrived at a welcome table hosted by some awkward men. They weren't actually all that awkward themselves, it was how they were acting that was strange. Very unorganized for such a large event. They had blank name tags to hand out but no pens. They had seating charts but no numbers on the actual tables to figure out where we belong. It was as if these guys had never planned an event without the help of....ok I'll say it... women. Kind of like when I host a dinner and forget to put out napkins and silverware. Or like the typical buffet line where we grab a plate, get some food, then fight our way back to the start of the line to get the forks and knives that were there all along. So this is a men's organization. I am smart that way. There were a few women present but they were with men. So it turns out they are allowed to attend the breakfast but not join "the network". Thats right. Dreams of success are limited to men. After all, we are the ones with good ideas. Look at all the famous inventors....the car, the telephone, electricity, the airplane....men. So what types of dreams will a Christian men's organization be excited about? Well they featured three "dreamers". A Pastor who wants to change the face of Orlando by starting a church in the poorest parts of the city. Help one-another. Good idea. The second was a business man who wants to train other business men to be leaders. Well, sort of a good idea. I mean in theory it is a good idea, but don't we already have stuff like that? That's like the guy that creates a store where you can buy books. Great idea, but those guys Barnes and Noble already did it. Moving on. The third guy was my personal favorite. In this group of Christian dreamers, he wants to make known the name and story of one man! A man many have discounted as not real. A controversial image. He is working on a movie, and there already is a book published. Are you on the edge of your seat? Could it be Jesus? The obvious answer...but nope. How about Santa? As in Claus. Oh yes, you can't make this stuff up. He traveled to Norway to get the original story of Santa and what he stands for. He wants people to know he is real. No, really...he is real. About this time I started looking to see what time it was. How long is this going to last? We listened to his presentation, and watched a short movie trailer starring that man as Santa with a really bad faux Russian accent that faded in and out as he spoke. Was I ready to join? Almost, but then the closer came in. The host of the event told us his dream as he cried and recovered three times during his presentation. His dream is to "brand" a day when the whole world will applaud creation. The day is in June sometime. Not a bad idea but the funny part was the event is called "day of applause" and you don't actually applaud anything. He wants people to take pictures at sunset and post them on his webpage. I was pretty sure I heard a few women laugh. Not because it was a dumb idea, not because they were happy to be excluded, but because they realized the joke wasn't on them. I know God has a sense of humor. I heard him laugh as well. Ho-ho-NO.
So you didn't sign up?
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite "talks" included the sentence, "God's only purpose for women is to help her husband succeed in his goals and dreams." Really? When it came time to share, I jumped in with, "So, God has no purpose for single women? No purpose for widows? He can't use us at all unless we're married, and then only as support staff?" And on and on. When I finished my tirade, Andy was finally able to contribute, "Well, the husband shouldn't be focused on his own goals and dreams anyway, but on what God wants him to do." Oh. I hadn't gotten that far. :)
A pleasure to read comments by Dave, who does not buy every Christian product he's asked to endorse. Santa is Real Bible Commentary Notes for $10.95, anyone?