There are many stereotypes when it comes to men and women. I love it when people compare a man's brain to a woman's brain. You always hear the word multi-task associated with women. Men are made to seem simple. But we are created in God's image and from what I can tell God is pretty good at multi-tasking. Don't use the word image and say it means we look like God because I am pretty sure that doesn't hold true for every human. Made in the image of, like if you are copying a disc image. You can use a different disc, and most people can't tell by looking at the outside what the image is. Way too many sermons on this point and it wasn't what my blog is about so onward.

I think women like to shop. Men also like to shop but only if we can make big purchases. It is lots of fun to buy a TV or a car, or something that costs a bunch of money. No fun to buy a pack of gum. Why, you may ask? Nobody looks at the guy walking out of the store with a pack of gum. If you are leaving the store with a big screen TV everyone looks. "Wow, I wonder where he will put that?" Suppose you shop at Sam's Club or Costco. There are only two reasons to shop there. One is the samples. Who doesn't like free food? Don't forget about the opportunity to pretend like you might be interested in what they have on that table or that you will actually buy some after tasting it. Reason two is to buy stuff in quantity. Not one jar of spaghetti sauce, but a whole case. And of course everyone looks at the guy who has one of those flat carts filled with stuff. "He must own a restaurant. I wonder which one?"
Today I received email approval from our financial board to buy two new projectors for the church. These things cost a couple thousand dollars each. I can buy them online, but somehow there is no pleasure in that. I want to talk to a person who will affirm my importance to purchase two expensive electronic things. After all, this is the epitome of man versus woman. If I were a caveman I would drag the projectors into the church in the middle of a sunday service and say, "Here! I bring you new projectors!" The crowd roars with excitement, despite the fact we are cavemen and they wouldn't know what a projector was. I guess I wouldn't be able to get one either, but that isn't the point.
The point is I am buying big stuff. I am made in God's image. A little bit of algebra and logic tells me God likes big stuff. Really big stuff. The cool part is He can make it. Universe. Big. Done. But since we are all made in the image, how does a woman have the imprint of God? I guess He likes details and small stuff as well. Too chauvinistic of an approach to men and women? Take it up with God. It's not my fault. And be sure to say "wow" when you see the new projectors in church!
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