Is he? Probably not, but really that isn't the point of this blog post. The truth is, a title like this one shows up in search engines so I am fishing for some accidental readers. If you are one of those, welcome!
I recall looking at our prayer book in church a few years back. In one of the prayers every week in our service, we would say "We pray for all who have died, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom". Someone had written in pencil right under that prayer "Too Late!" That stuck with me for quite some time. Not the response, but the prayer. The response made me look again and think what a funny prayer that is. Are we letting everyone in without any kind of requirement? The only stipulation to get into heaven is to die. We all will do that sooner or later. Is that really what the Bible says happens?
This past weekend we had two funerals at our church. Neither one was for a parishioner of ours. I played the music for the second funeral. The first one wanted Bob Marley on iPod. Not the strangest music request I have ever heard, but it goes in the top 10. I am pretty sure neither one who died had a home church or if they did, rarely attended.
What do you tell a family who walks through your doors and asks for a funeral service at a church?
If we were like the person who wrote in the prayer book we could tell them it's too late. If you never went to church in your living days, why would you want to visit now? Isn't it like taking your car to a car wash after you totaled it? Who does that?
My favorite part of planning for the service is when one of our members asked me about the second service. She told me they wanted several people from our church to be there because the people in attendance were not only non-believers, but many were addicts. "Oh" was all I could think of to reply. People in need of good news is where I thought she was going. She asked me "Do you know why we are wanting many of our parishioners to come?" "Um, to witness to the non-believers?" was my guess. That was an incorrect guess. Apparently some people (who are some people?) were worried the addicts...mourners at the funeral, would steal stuff from the church. I looked around to take quick inventory. A few of my CDs, some 12oz bags of coffee, some candles were all anyone could carry off if they wanted. I would be happy to give anything away that someone needed, but that wasn't a comforting response to her concern.
Sure we have stuff. But the great things we have as Christians are faith, hope, and love. Faith; to believe the promise of God. Hope; to anticipate our place in heaven. Love: to love our neighbors as ourselves. Love our neighbors enough to support them in time of grief. Hope they won't take our stuff? I don't think so.
I recall looking at our prayer book in church a few years back. In one of the prayers every week in our service, we would say "We pray for all who have died, that they may have a place in your eternal kingdom". Someone had written in pencil right under that prayer "Too Late!" That stuck with me for quite some time. Not the response, but the prayer. The response made me look again and think what a funny prayer that is. Are we letting everyone in without any kind of requirement? The only stipulation to get into heaven is to die. We all will do that sooner or later. Is that really what the Bible says happens?
What do you tell a family who walks through your doors and asks for a funeral service at a church?
If we were like the person who wrote in the prayer book we could tell them it's too late. If you never went to church in your living days, why would you want to visit now? Isn't it like taking your car to a car wash after you totaled it? Who does that?
My favorite part of planning for the service is when one of our members asked me about the second service. She told me they wanted several people from our church to be there because the people in attendance were not only non-believers, but many were addicts. "Oh" was all I could think of to reply. People in need of good news is where I thought she was going. She asked me "Do you know why we are wanting many of our parishioners to come?" "Um, to witness to the non-believers?" was my guess. That was an incorrect guess. Apparently some people (who are some people?) were worried the addicts...mourners at the funeral, would steal stuff from the church. I looked around to take quick inventory. A few of my CDs, some 12oz bags of coffee, some candles were all anyone could carry off if they wanted. I would be happy to give anything away that someone needed, but that wasn't a comforting response to her concern.
Sure we have stuff. But the great things we have as Christians are faith, hope, and love. Faith; to believe the promise of God. Hope; to anticipate our place in heaven. Love: to love our neighbors as ourselves. Love our neighbors enough to support them in time of grief. Hope they won't take our stuff? I don't think so.
Maybe everyone gets into heaven. If they did, would it make it any less better? Challenge your faith like the workers in the field from Matthew 20:1-16. If you are there, is that enough? Is it fair?
Love it!
ReplyDeleteSure, we have preschool, good music, good preachers, and potlucks. But what we REALLY have teh faith, hope and love. And acceptance. And patience. And sometimes, even, fun!
ReplyDeletePretty deep stuff, Dad. I enjoyed it. I love hearing what happens in your job and your thoughts. Geniunely interesting. Great post!
ReplyDeleteBravo David! Affirming this provocative word that the Lord can use to shake out unconverted potholes in our lives