Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tastes Like Chicken...or Horse

My oldest daughter just returned from a trip to China. She told me stories of her travels, and most always when people tell stories of their travels, it includes food. She didn't disappoint. One of her first stories was how she was served a 100 year old egg. Not the whole thing, because an egg that old needs to be shared. You can't just have 100 year old eggs every day. I'm not sure if you actually need to age an egg 100 years to get the taste. I would think after about 50 years it's all the same.
She also told me she tried donkey at a meal. Donkey? When asked if she had ever tried donkey she told them no. "Well", they explained, "it tastes just like horse!"  Oh.  No more explanations please.
In my travels I have had llama, snake, insects, parts of animals I'd rather not know about, as well as so many other unidentifiable foods. It usually is best not to ask what you are being served, unless you want to tell stories about it later.
One of my favorite stories is while visiting a pastor's home in Africa. They served us tea with milk. Since there was no electricity, there was no refrigeration. Without refrigeration the milk was...well...odd. And a bit lumpy. We sat in the main living room of their house as everyone on our team reflected on their good manners and desire to be gracious guests. Because I am a quick thinker I also reflected, but much faster. I decided as a good guest to take a look at the beautiful surroundings of the home. As soon as I stepped out through the front door my tea found its spot on the ground to nourish the bushes. It soaked into the dry ground rather quickly leaving behind very little evidence.
I smiled, walked right back into the house and complimented the pastor on the beauty of the land, almost oblivious to the glares of my fellow travelers. I sat down and asked them how their tea was. Mine was so good I had finished it, but had no room for more.
Just like a 100 year old egg, there really wasn't a taste to compare that tea to. We like to compare. Everyone hesitates to experience something new without knowing what it will be like. We have expectations and then we measure our experience against it. Unless it's like eating donkey. Never tried that. Never had horse either. Is it like deer?
As Easter approaches, I can only imagine what it was like 2000 years ago. People had never seen the sick healed, the blind made to see, the crippled made to walk. They had no expectation and so they believed. Today if Jesus came we would compare him to David Blaine or David Copperfield. Our expectation would be that it is somehow a trick because we have that experience of being tricked. 20/20 and other investigative shows like that have exposed many false preachers on TV.  We wouldn't believe.
The fact is, there is not a way to compare Jesus to something we know of. Every time people feel they can explain God we have ten more questions we cannot answer. Why does God allow suffering? I don't know, but its ok by me not to know that answer.
Here's a question for you. Would you try the 100 year old egg if nobody told you it was edible? I wouldn't. I want someone to tell me they have tried it and it is good. We have thousands of years of testimonies telling us God heals the sick and still does miracles today. Psalm 34:8 says "taste and see that the Lord is good".  That works for me.

1 comment:

  1. Another awesome post. Thanks for the shout out! On my last day, I tried jellyfish. Interesting. I definitely have your stomach because I could try anything and not get sick. Next trip, we are going together!
